Home / Provinces News / Homs (page 19)


May, 2015

  • 28 May

    18 explosive devices planted by ISIS on Homs-Palmyra road dismantled

    Homs, SANA – An army unit thwarted an explosive device attack attempt by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) on the road linking Homs with Palmyra, which the …

  • 27 May

    Homs governor discusses with UNICEF means of improving relief situation in city

    Homs, SANA-Homs governor Talal Barazi discussed on Wednesday with Regional director of The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) for Middle East and north Africa Peter Salameh means of improving the …

  • 26 May

    Prime Minister visits oil and gas fields, military outpost in Homs province

    Homs, SANA – Upon directives from President Bashar al-Assad, Prime Minister Wael al-Halaqi on Monday visited oil and gas fields in Homs’ eastern countryside, a military outpost, and a military …

  • 25 May

    Homs Governorate forms a committee to provide aid to families displaced from Palmyra

    Homs, SANA – Homs Governor Talal al-Barazi said the Governorate has formed a committee to provide assistance to the families who have been displaced from Palmyra after the assault of the Islamic …

  • 24 May

    ISIS slaughters hundreds of Palmyra residents

    Homs, SANA – Hundreds of residents of Palmyra city-also known as Tadmur-have been killed at the hands of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which started an assault …

  • 23 May

    Petroleum Minister inspects gas plants in Homs’ eastern countryside

    Homs, SANA – Petroleum and Mineral Resources Minister Sleiman al-Abbas on Saturday inspected work in gas plants in the eastern countryside of Homs province, saying that gas production at the …

  • 22 May

    Patriarch Laham: There can be no world peace without Syria

    Homs, SANA – Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch of Antioch and All East Gregory III Laham said that the world’s Christians support the Syrian people, and that there can be no …

  • 19 May

    UN official: Syria’s procedures to secure IDPs needs met Int’l praise

    Homs, SANA- Homs Governor, Talal Barazi, said during his meeting with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Chaloka Beyani and the accompanying delegation …

  • 19 May

    Homs governor inspects services in Palmyra

    Homs, SANA- Homs Governor Talal al-Barazi on Monday paid a visit to Palmyra city, where he inspected the level of services and visited a number of makeshift residential centers there. …

  • 19 May

    Two civilians injured by terrorist explosive device in Homs

    Homs, SANA – Two civilians were injured after terrorists set off an explosive device in al-Hadara Street in Homs city on Monday. A source at the Governorate told SANA reporter …