Foreign Ministry: Israeli intimidation attempts will not dissuade Syria from confronting whoever tries to attack its people and sovereignty

Damascus, SANA_The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry stressed that the Israeli aggression on the Syrian territories comes as part of the ongoing Israeli attempts to prolong the crisis in Syria and the terrorist war, demanding the Security Council to take prompt action to prevent the recurrence of such attacks.

In two letters addressed to UN Secretary General and Chief of Security Council on Saturday, the ministry said that the Israeli occupation authorities, on Friday evening, January  11, 2019, at 23.15 o’clock targeted a number of sites in the vicinity of Damascus and its countryside with missiles launched by Israeli warplanes in a flagrant violation of UN Security Council Resolution No. 350 of 1974 on the Agreement on Disengagement of Forces between the two sides.

The Israeli attack was carried out in the wake of other attacks, the latest of which was on  Dec. 25,  2018, the ministry added.

” The deliberately repeat of these grave provocations  and cowardly aggressions is a clear proof of the fact that what Israel is doing is no different from what Daesh and Jabhat al-Nusra organizations are doing in terms of terrorist methods and threatening international peace and security which unveils the reality of the joint agenda of “Israel” and those terrorist entities.

“Syria stresses that the continuation of Israel in its serious aggressive approach would not have been possible without the political, military and media cover provided by the US administration in the context of a state of immunity from any accountability provided by well-known states in the Security Council, which could enable Israel to continue to practice state terrorism and threat peace and security in the region and the world without any deterrent,” the ministry said in its letter.

The ministry added that Security Council’s silence regarding such flagrant violations can not be justified because it is a clear give up of exercising its responsibilities under the Charter and avoidance of punishing the aggressor.

The ministry demanded the UN Security Council to shoulder its responsibilities in maintaining international peace and security, take prompt action to prevent the reoccurrence of such aggressions and to oblige “Israel” to respect its decisions regarding Agreement of Disengagement of Forces and the rejection of annexing the occupied Syrian Golan.

It also demanded holding “Israel” accountable for its crimes and continued support to terrorist organizations, which constitutes a flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations, the provisions of international law and UN Security Council resolutions 242, 338, 350, 497 and all relevant international resolutions  related to combating terrorism.

The ministry concluded by saying that these cowardly and provocative Israeli attempts will not dissuade Syria from confronting whoever tries to attack the Syrian people and sovereignty or affects its determination to restore the occupied Syrian Golan.


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