Mikdad reaffirms Syria’s enduring support for Palestinian people against Israeli enemy

Damascus, SANA – Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Fayssal Mikdad renewed Syria’s reiteration that the Palestinian Cause is its own as it is the central issue of the Arabs.

Mikdad’s remarks came during a meeting with a delegation of the factions of the Palestinian resistance against the Israeli occupation on Tuesday. The delegation is led by Khaled Abdul-Majeed, the secretary general of al-Nidal Front.

While reaffirming that the parties which are conspiring against the Palestinian issue are the same who are conspiring against Syria, Mikdad stressed that Syria will always remain on the side of the Palestinian people.

Syria, he said, will continue to provide endless support to the people of Palestine in their “heroic steadfastness against the genocide they are undergoing at the hands of the Israeli occupation army.”

He decried the Israeli practices in the Gaza Strip, which have been going on for more than two weeks, as amounting to “war crimes, genocide crimes and crimes against humanity, according to the international law.”
Deputy Foreign Minister referred to the “strategic stance” proclaimed by President Bashar al-Assad upon taking the oath of office last week.

He cited the President as saying that the Palestinian Cause is “the central cause” for Syria and the entire Arab Nation, given the “connection” between what is taking place in Syria and what is happening in Palestine.

He lashed out at the international indifference towards the Israeli aggression, that has so far claimed the lives of over 580 Palestinians and injured thousands of others, taking a swipe at “the so-called Arab League” and the UN Security Council for their failure to act to stop the aggression.

For their part, the Palestinian delegation members expressed on behalf of the Palestinian people pride in Syria’s principled position towards their cause.

While briefing Mikdad on the latest developments on the Palestinian arena under the continuous Israeli aggression, the Palestinian figures hailed the Syrian government’s efforts to make a success an agreement earlier reached to solve the problem in the terrorists-besieged al-Yarmouk camp and deliver humanitarian aid to the Palestinian refugees inside it.

Speaking to the reporters following the meeting, Abdul-Majeed, who is the secretary of the Palestinian resistance factions in Syria, stressed that the factions won’t accept to having the battle with the Zionist entity brought to an end before their demands were met.

On top of those demands, he cited breaking the Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip and the release of the detainees.

He vowed that the occupation entity will not be able to fulfill any of its goals in the current battle despite the destruction and the grave crimes being inflicted in Gaza.

H. Said


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