Foreign Ministry: Homs bombings are Turkish-Saudi new attempt to impede diplomatic efforts for political solution

Damascus, SANA – Syria demanded a strong and immediate condemnation of Homs twin terrorist attacks from the Security Council and the UN Secretary General.

The demand was conveyed in two letters addressed by the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry to the Secretary General and the Security Council’s Chairman.

Earlier today, the terrorists blew up successively two cars packed with huge amounts of explosives in al-Zahraa neighborhood in Homs city, claiming the lives of over 46 civilians and severely injuring more than 110 others, most of them are in critical condition.

The Ministry noted that similar bombings have previously hit the same neighborhood that left hundreds of children, women and elderly people dead.

Those attacks, it said, fell on deaf ears failing to elicit interest or any condemnation from the Security Council regardless of the grave human casualties and material losses caused.

It has become clear to all that the terrorist organizations committing these acts are the real tools of the Saudi and Turkish regimes on the Syrian ground, the Ministry noted.

The attacks today, it said, are a Turkish-Saudi response after the two sides’ role in inflaming the crisis in Syria was laid bare.

They are also a new attempt by the Turkish and Saudi regimes specifically to impede the diplomatic efforts seeking a political solution to the crisis, the Ministry added.

Regardless of the continued terrorist crimes, the Syrian government will go ahead with its fight against terrorism and its efforts to reach a political solution to the crisis, it

The letters demanded that the Security Council assume responsibility for preserving international peace and security and take “immediate punitive and deterrent actions” against the countries providing support and funds to the terrorists, namely Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar.

The regimes in those countries, the letters said, must be prevented from continuing their support to terrorism and messing around with the international security and peace and compelled to fully abide by the rules of the Security Council’s relevant resolutions 2170, 2178, 2199 and 2253.

H. Said

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