Sabbagh: Tripartite aggression on Syria aimed at hindering work of fact-finding mission

The Hague, SANA – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons(OPCW) Bassam Sabbagh said that the barbarous US-British-French tripartite aggression which is timed with the arrival of the fact-finding mission to Damascus to investigate the claims of the alleged chemical attack on Douma city aims at hindering the work of the mission and forestalling the results of the investigations.

Delivering Syria’s statement at the 58th meeting of the OPCW Executive Council, Sabbagh said that “we are looking forward to the OPCW currently in Damascus to fulfill its duties impartially and professionally, and present the results as soon as possible.”

Sabbagh expressed wonder over the timing of the invitation for this meeting before the mission’s work, which raises an essential question on the real goal behind that.

He added that Syria condemns in strongest terms the brutal aggression on the Syrian territories on April 14th at dawn, relaying on a farcical failed play which was staged in service for their agendas.

Sabbagh continued to say that Syria has no chemical weapons at all as the Syrian authorities officially requested OPCW Director on 10th April to send urgently a fact-finding mission to the alleged scene in Douma to investigate the allegations, stressing readiness to facilitate the arrival of the mission at the scene as soon as possible.

He expressed regret that while Syria stressed its complete readiness to fully cooperate with OPCW in an honest and objective investigation into these allegations, Washington, London and Paris practiced an overt political hypocrisy through feigning sympathy with the Syrian people and underlining the need to launch investigations into the alleged use of chemical weapons without waited for OPCW to make the required investigations, with this trio confirming the use of chemical weapons without proofs and identifying the perpetrator within hours, to later launch the attack without respect for the international laws and charter.

In response to what the US Representative said considering the attach as legal, Sabbagh said: “I would like to refer him to the statement issued on April 13th by Senator Bernie Sanders, who is a former US presidency candidate, that the Congress not the President is responsible for starting war.”
He wondered about what the US troops are illegally doing on the Syria territories and why the USA is sending weapons to the terrorist gangs.

Rasha Milhem/Manal

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