Chinese Special Envoy to Syria: Geneva talks constitute important step for reaching political solution to the crisis in Syria

Geneva, SANA – The Chinese Special Envoy to Syria Xie Xiaoyan considered that the intra-Syrian dialogue in Geneva constitutes an important step in the process of reaching a political solution to the crisis in Syria, reiterating China’s support to these talks in a way that brings positive outcomes as soon as possible.

Xie told Chinese News Agency of Xinhua that there are other priorities in Geneva talks, which are boosting de-escalation areas on the ground and achieving some periodic outcomes.

He saw that it is important to adopt an incremental approach in the dialogue in order to start dealing with the relatively simpler problems to formulate more accord and enhance the mutual trust.
The diplomat reaffirmed the need for adherence to the right of the Syrian people to determine the future of their country in the framework of reaching a political solution for the crisis in Syria.
R. Milhem


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