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Provinces News

March, 2015

  • 3 March

    Communications back in Bosra city in Daraa, electric power restored to Quneitra

    Daraa/Quneitra, SANA – Local and international communications and fax services were back in Busra al-Sham city in the southern Daraa province on Monday after a cutoff that lasted for a …

  • 3 March

    Aleppo Governor asks int’l relief organizations to concentrate work on development projects

    Aleppo, SANA – Relief work of international organizations should be development-oriented in the coming period to further support families affected by the terrorism-triggered events in the country, said Aleppo Governor …

  • 3 March

    Solidarity stand in Homs in support of Hasaka province against terrorism

    Homs, SANA – People of the old city of Homs staged on Monday a solidarity stand in support of the innocent civilians of Hasaka province who are targeted by armed …

  • 3 March

    Qamishli National Hospital receives 2,5 tons of medicine from UNICEF

    Hasaka, SANA – Al-Qamishli National Hospital received on Tuesday 2,5 tons of medicine offered by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The organization’s representative in Syria, Hanaa  Sinjar, said that …

  • 2 March

    Foreign Ministry: Israel’s Arbitrary detention of Syrian citizens in Golan new violation of human rights

    Damascus, SANA-Foreign and Expatriates Ministry called on UN Security Council to take necessary legal procedures to carry out its resolutions on the Israeli withdrawal from the whole occupied Syrian Golan …

  • 2 March

    Israeli occupation forces arrest two Syrians in Occupied Syrian Golan

    Occupied Syrian Golan, SANA- Israeli occupation forces arrested Monday two Syrian nationals from the villages of Baqa’ata and Majdal Shams in the occupied Syrian Golan, in continuation of its aggressive …

  • 2 March

    10 explosive devices defused in Palmyra eastern countryside, Homs

    Homs, SANA – Authorities in the countryside of Homs province foiled terrorists’ attempt to blow up explosive devices they had earlier planted in eastern Palmyra city in the countryside. Authorities …

  • 1 March

    Assyrian Church in Lebanon voices support to innocent civilians in Syria against ISIS crimes

    Beirut, SANA – The Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East in Lebanon expressed support to the safe civilians who were targeted by the Islamic State in Iraq and …

  • 1 March

    Army recaptures towns in Daraa and Damascus countryside, Army Command declares

    Provinces, SANA -Army and Armed Forces units, aided by popular defense groups, managed to restore security and stability to several towns in Damascus countryside and established control over areas in …

February, 2015

  • 28 February

    Russian trade, industrial delegation in Tartous looks into increasing trade exchange volume chances

    Tartous, SANA – Tartous Governor Safwan Abu Saadi on Saturday met with a delegation of Russian trade and industrial figures, headed by director of the Russian company Adyg-Yurak, Aslan Panesh. …