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Churkin: Russia put new formula for draft law on humanitarian resolution about Syria

Moscow, SANA, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin said Tuesday Moscow has put a new formula for its draft law at the UN on improving the humanitarian situation …

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Aleppo Governor calls for providing all requirements for citizens in Aleppo countryside

  Aleppo, (SANA) – Governor of Aleppo, Mohammad Wahid Akkad, inspected a number of villages in Aleppo southern countryside where the Syrian Arab Army restored stability and security after eliminating …

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Ghalawanji: Direct damage to ministries and public facilities due to terrorism estimated at SYP 1,011 billion

Damascus, SANA. Deputy Prime Minister for Services Affairs, Local Administration Minister Omar Ghalawanji, said that the overall cost of damage caused to ministries and public facilities due to terrorism is …

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Syria’s mission to Geneva UN office: Pillay continues to ignore terrorists’ role in crisis in Syria

Geneva, SANA. Chargé d’affaires of the Syrian mission to the UN office in Geneva Mohammad al-Mohammad criticized UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay for continuing to ignore the …

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Cabinet ratifies contract with Chinese company to improve communications in Hasaka province

Damascus, SANA, The Cabinet on Tuesday congratulated Syrians over the success of the presidential elections and President Bashar al-Assad for winning the elections. Prime Minister Dr. Wael al-Halaqi, who chaired …

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President al-Assad issues law on exempting Agricultural Bank loans from interests and fines

Damascus, SANA. President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday issued law no.11 for 2014 on exempting loans from the Agricultural Cooperation Bank from contractual interests and fines for overdue payments. The law …

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President al-Assad receives congratulatory cables from Presidents of Cuba and Afghanistan

Damascus, (SANA) – President Bashar al-Assad received two congratulatory cables from President of the Council of State and the President of the Council of Ministers of Cuba, Raul Castro Ruz …

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People’s Assembly members: Holding elections proof of Syrian state’s sovereignty

Damascus, SANA. Members of the People’s Assembly said that holding the presidential elections is proof of the sovereignty of the Syrian state and its ability to overcome all conspiracies. This …

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President al-Assad receiving al-Nouri and al-Hajjar: Success of elections highlights strength of Syrians

Damascus, (SANA) President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday received former presidential candidate Dr. Hassan al-Nouri. Al-Nouri stressed that the presidential elections held last week were transparent and honest, as they constitute …

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Syrians in France and Egypt celebrate Dr. al-Assad’s winning new presidential term

Paris, (SANA) Syrian community in France held a festivity in Joffre Square in Paris celebrating success of the presidential elections in Syria and Dr. Bashar al-Assad’s wining a new presidential …

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