Damascus University, US Peace Council delegation review educational process in the university

Damascus, SANA- Rector of Damascus University Hassan al-Kurdi met on Wednesday the US Peace Council delegation headed by Henry Lowendorf, reviewing with them the educational process in the university.

Al-Kurdi pointed out the difficulties which face the students who want to continue their study abroad due to the unfair Western sanctions imposed on Syria, not to mention the difficulties that face the educational hospitals, mainly the spare parts that are required to repair the medical devices which are out of service.

For his part, head of the delegation said that the delegation is confident that the Syrian government and people are doing all they can to restore their normal lives, adding that the delegation will convey the true image of the terrorist acts which have targeted the students, academic staff and the educational infrastructure and will work on changing the prevalent view in the US about Syria.

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Manar al-Frieh/Manal

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