Forum of Pan-Arab Dialogue discusses popular resistance role in face of Wahhabi-Zionist mentality

Damascus, SANA-Participants in the 6th Forum of the Pan-Arab Dialogue, held at al-Assad National Library, discussed the role of the popular resistance in facing the Wahhabi-Zionist mentality.

The Forum was organized by the Regional Leadership of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party “BASP” , in cooperation with the Arab Writers Union and the Journalists Union.

Head of the Journalists Union Elias Murad underlined the importance of the forum which embraces a number of the elite Arab intellectuals.

muradMurad indicated that the Arab nation has been the cradle of important resistances on the pan-Arab level such as the resistance against the Ottoman and the French occupations, the Palestinian resistance against the Israeli occupation and the Lebanese resistance in the face of the Zionist project in the region.

“We in Syria resist on the popular, economic and military levels to achieve the great victory which will be reached soon through the determination of our people, the sacrifices of our army and the steadfastness of our leadership,” Murad said.

In a speech delivered during the Forum, Tunisian intellectual and researcher al-Munsef al-Shabbi hailed the resilience of the Syrian people, army and leadership in the face of the fierce terrorist attack which targets the Arabism of Syria.shabbi

He stressed that Syria has adopted the resistance as a way of decent life and dignity, expressing the Tunisian people’s solidarity with Syria in the face of the terrorist war launched against it.

“The Tunisian citizens had rejected cutting relations with Syria and they have been adhered to the brotherly ties binding them with the Syrians…They took to the streets demanding to stop that shameful stance,” al-Shabbi said.

For his part, Professor of International Law at the Lebanese University Hasan Johnny underlined the importance of the strategic balance built by Syria on the security, political, economic and social levels to face the Zionist entity, considering that targeting Syria means targeting the Lebanese and the Palestinian resistances.

lebaneseIn turn, Palestinian thinker and researcher Rashad Abu Shawer said that the Saudi Arabia wants to end the Palestinian cause because restoring it means exposing the treason of the oil states and the retroactive states.

Participants in the forum also underlined the necessity of paying more attention to the education, calling for forming an Arab media system in the face of the Wahhabi-Zionist mentality.

lastIn a speech delivered at the Forum, member of the BASP RL, Khalaf al-Muftah said that what is taking place in Syria of terrorism and destruction has been done according to a studied scheme, yet the awareness and the early understanding of this project has made Syria able to overcome it.

Assistant RL secretary of BASP, Hilal al-Hilal, parliament members and other officials and intellectuals attended the activity.

R.J/ Barry

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