Spanish Communist Party asserts standing by Syria in countering terrorism

Madrid, SANA- The Communist Party of Spain asserted standing by the Syrian people and government in the face of terrorism.

This stance came during a solidarity symposium with Syria dubbed “Solidarity with the Syrian people and government” held at headquarter of Friends of UNESCO Club in Madrid.

Francisco Frutos, Deputy Secretary General of the Communist Party of Spain affirmed support to the Syrian people, government and army in fighting and countering terrorism, calling on the international organizations to stop enhancing all kinds of terrorism in Syria and find a peaceful solution for the crisis there.

The Spanish researcher, Bablo Sabbagh shouldered Arab and regional countries of backing terrorism, the full responsibility of bloodshed in Syria.

For his part, Syria’s acting Chargé d’ Affaires in Madrid Milad Atieh pointed out that there are some western countries which violate the norms, laws and values of the international community and Security Council, highlighting that the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) constitutes a dangerous threat not only to the region but to the whole world.


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