Int’l Meeting on Syria final statement: guarantor states affirm adherence to Syria’s sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity    

Astana, SANA- The final statement of the 20th International Meeting on Syria in the Astana format affirmed that the guarantor states renew their firm commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Syria and to the goals and principles of the United Nations Charter.

The statement added that the guarantor states renew their determination to continue joint action to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and to reject separatist agendas aimed at undermining Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The statement stressed that the guarantor states condemn the activities of terrorist organizations and armed groups of different names in Syria and reaffirm their rejection of illegal operations to plunder the Syrian oil.

The statement also condemned the repeated Israeli attacks on Syrian territory, which are a violation of international law and Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

It reiterated the need to abide by universally recognized international legal decisions, including the relevant provisions of United Nations resolutions rejecting the occupation of the Syrian Golan. The first of these decisions are UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 297, which consider all Israeli decisions and practices in this context as null and void.

The guarantor states renewed their commitment to pushing political settlement process forwards under Syrian leadership and ownership, and with the facilitation of the United Nations in line with UN Security Council Resolution No. 2254, and stressed the important role of the Committee of discussing constitution, which was established with the decisive contribution of the guarantor countries of the Astana formula to implement the decisions of the Syrian National Dialogue Conference in Sochi.

The guarantor countries called for holding the 9th round of the committee to discuss the constitution without further delay, while ensuring a constructive approach by the Syrian parties, and in this regard affirmed their commitment to support the work of the committee through continuous participation with all parties and the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Syria, Geir Pedersen, as a facilitator to ensure its sustainable and effective operation.

They also expressed their deep concern about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Syria, due to the repercussions of the devastating earthquake of last February, and condemned all unilateral coercive measures that violate international law, international humanitarian law and the Charter of the United Nations.

English bulletin

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