Damascus, SANA- Ministry of Health (MH) held Wednesday, a workshop on strengthening and enhancing the health system in Syria, with participation of several members of the joint WHO-UNICEF health and safety mission from regional and country offices.
Director of Planning and International Cooperation at the Health Ministry, Dr. Zuhair Qarrat, reviewed the most prominent challenges facing the health sector left behind by the former regime, including the destruction of health facilities and the shortage of medical personnel and supplies.
Qarrat said that the Ministry continued to work to build an integrated health system to improve mental and physical health.
In turn, Dr. Alvaro Alonso, WHO UK advisor, clarified the importance of the workshop in developing a vision for the health system that would achieve the Ministry’s vision over the next 10 to 15 years, agreeing to review and unify the health services system to strengthen the health system, and defining the roles and responsibilities of the WHO and UNICEF in supporting this process.
Dr.Sowmya Kadandale, Regional Health Advisor for UNICEF in the Middle East and North Africa, pointed out how to develop a high-quality and resilient primary health care system.
The participants in the workshop emphasized the need to contribute to the development of the health system in Syria by activating the work of health regions and centers and improving the quality of services provided through the implementation of the Integrated Health Region System, which provides health services to all members of society through health centers, specialized clinics, mobile teams and mobile clinics.
They also, highlighted the need to provide distinguished, high-quality health services at the level of primary health care programs, including meeting the health needs of the local community through the home visit system.