150 more families return to Homs’s al-Waer from camps in Jarabulus

Homs, SANA – About 150 families of al-Waer neighborhood in Homs province returned on Tuesday from Jarabulus city back to their neighborhood due to their suffering from the lack of the minimum basic elements of life and accommodation in the camps that were set up to host them there.

Those families had earlier left al-Wear neighborhood in the city of Homs as part of the reconciliation agreement which was completed last May.

In a press statement, Homs Governor Talal al-Barazi said that 14 buses carrying about 150 families including 630 persons from the residents of al-Waer neighborhood have arrived in Homs city coming from Jarabulus, adding that arrangements to complete the process of the locals’ return to al-Waer neighborhood were taken a few weeks ago under the auspices of the Syrian government and in cooperation with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC).

He affirmed that operations to ensure the return of all displaced Syrians to their areas are going on, particularly in al-Waer neighborhood, adding that this is the 5th batch of families of al-Waer who returned from Jarabulus or Idleb, and that a larger number of more families was yet scheduled to return, but the obstacles made by the Turkish side through its armed groups have so far hindered their return.

In statements to SANA, a number of returnees said that tens of families in the camps want to return to their neighborhood.

On Monday, many of the residents of al-Waer neighborhood in Homs city have arrived in Tadef town in the eastern countryside of Aleppo coming from Jarabulus city in preparation for their return to their homes.

On May 21st, al-Waer neighborhood was declared fully secure after completing the reconciliation agreement reached in March to clear it of all armed manifestations and to restore state institutes to it, thereby making the entire city of Homs fully clear of weapons and militants.

M.al-Frieh/H. Said

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