Ownership of 341 acres transferred to locals, including families of martyrs and injured army personnel, in Jableh city in Lattakia

Lattakia, SANA – Directed by President Bashar al-Assad, the Ministry of Awqaf (Religious Endowments) gave up its ownership of a real estate area of 341 acres in Jableh city in Lattakia so that ownership can be transferred to the locals, who include many families of martyrs and injured army personnel.

The document of transferring ownership of the above acres, which are located in al-Rmeileh suburb, from Awqaf Ministry to the Ministry of Local Administration and Environment was signed at “Martyr Ali Abdul-Karim Ajeeb” school in Jableh city.

This has been a demand by the locals for 40 years, where they could not be granted ownership licenses of their houses, which has negatively affected their livelihood and services provided to them.

The waiver of ownership was signed by Minister of Awqaf Mohammad Abdul-Sattar al-Sayyed and Minister of Local Administration and Environment Hussein Makhlouf amid popular and official participation.

Minister al-Sayyed noted that President al-Assad gave his directions for the transfer of ownership after he had received many letters from the locals of al-Rmeileh suburb to have the situation of their land settled.

“This issue was settled by President al-Assad in appreciation of the great sacrifices made by the locals of the neighborhood who fought all over the country and sacrificed their lives in its defense,” said Minister Makhlouf.

H. Said

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