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Damascus today

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Afforestation and rehabilitation campaign for ecological park in al-Assad Suburb in Harasta

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Heavy rainfalls in Damascus on Wednesday evening

Damascus, SANA-Heavy rainfalls in Damascus on Wednesday evening.

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Agriculture Ministry launches “Year of Wheat” in its plan for current season

Damascus, SANA- Production plan of the Agriculture and Agrarian Reform Ministry for the agricultural year 2020-2021 revealed that this year will be the “Year of Wheat ” through the procedures …

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QSD militia threatens 32 families in Hasaka, asking them to leave their houses

Hasaka, SANA -Within its practices harmonious with the US occupation schemes in the region and through displacing the citizens who oppose its policy in al-Jazeera region, QSD militia has threatened …

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Road Art forum in Damascus establishes an interactive and aesthetic status

Damascus, SANA- Road Art forum nearly has come to its end after transforming a little road in al-Sha’alan neighborhood in Damascus city to an attraction and beauty spot for those …

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On the 103th anniversary of Balfour Declaration .. liquidation attempts will never pass ..Palestinians affirm

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA-By Tomorrow,103 years will be passed on Britain’s crime represented by Balfour Declaration that had constituted a start for establishing the usurping Zionist Entity on the Arab territories …

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Till End of Lifetime film..Minister Sara: media should be immortalized by cinema

Damascus, SANA- Film Director Basel al-Khatib continues with a number of Syrian drama actors to film the events of “Till End of a Lifetime” movie that narrates a story of …

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Syrian Arab Red Crescent distributes food and relief assistance to families in Hasaka

Hasaka ,SANA – Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC)- Hasaka branch distributed ,with a support from the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) , 4800 portions include food and relief assistance …

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Lavrov discusses with Shoukry efforts to settle the crisis in Syria

Moscow, SANA- The Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov discussed with his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry the developments in Syria and Libya and the means of coordinating their counties’ efforts with …

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