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American website: The West exploits Ukraine crisis to turn NATO into war machine against Russia, China

Washington, SANA-The American World Socialist website has affirmed that the United States and its allies in the West are pursuing escalatory hostile policies towards Russia and China and invoking the …

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Locals expel US occupation convoy from vicinity of al-Qusair, Qamishli countryside

Hasaka, SANA- The locals in al-Qusair village in the Qamishli, with the support of a checkpoint of the Syrian Arab Army, intercepted 4 military vehicles of the US occupation forces …

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A tourist group of different nationalities visit Bosra al-Sham in Daraa countryside

Daraa, SANA- A tourist group of different European nationalities visited Bosra al-Sham City yesterday to enjoy the beauty of the city and its deep-rooted history. Head of the Tourist Information …

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Zakharova: (White Helmets) terrorists participate in organizing provocations in Ukraine

Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has affirmed that the active participation of members of the “White Helmets” organization in organizing provocations in Ukraine has become well known. …

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Additional US military aid to Ukraine worth $750 million

Washington, SANA- US officials have revealed that the United States plans to send an additional $750 million in military aid to Ukraine. The Washington Post quoted the officials, who declined …

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Russian helicopters target Ukrainian air defense system and armored vehicles-video

Moscow, SANA- The Russian Ministry of Defense has released footage showing a large group of Mi-24, Mi-28N and Ka-52 helicopters carrying out missions to support Russian ground military units and …

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Temperatures to rise, cloudy weather in general

Damascus, SANA- Temperatures will slightly rise, yet they will remain from 3 to 4 degrees below average as the country is affected by a superficial high pressure accompanied by western …

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 Russia expresses readiness to export oil and its products to friendly countries at any price

Moscow, SANA- Russian Energy Minister Nikolai Shulgin has announced that his country is ready to export oil and its products to friendly countries at any price. Russia is ready to …

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Antonov calls on US to solve its problems before condemning countries for violating freedoms

Moscow, SANA- The Russian ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, has stressed that Washington is exploiting the human rights issue to defame countries and political regimes that are not …

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Russian Special Military Operation to Protect Donbass- Live Updates

  Russia opens a criminal investigation against a Ukrainian official for inciting genocide Ryabkov: Vehicles transporting weapons to Ukraine are legitimate military targets Agencies : The Russian Ministry of Defense …

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