Commercial Bank and expatriates delegation discuss means to support national economy

Damascus, SANA – Members of the Syrian expatriates’ delegation from the “Warsaw Gathering” discussed on Wednesday with Director General of the Syrian Commercial Bank Firas Salman how Syrian expatriates can contribute to support the national economy and to how they can help lift the unjust economic sanctions imposed on Syria.

Salman pointed out that Syrian Commercial Bank is one of the most important financial establishments in Syria, therefore it was affected considerably by the sanctions that aim at pressuring it to weaken the Syrian economy.
For his part, the head of the delegation Nabil al-Malazi said that expatriates want to support the national economy, and other members of the delegation noted that they will do all they can to alleviate he economic suffering of the Syrians.

The delegation also visited injured army personnel at Martyr Yusuf Azmeh Hospital, hailing the heroics of the Syrian Arab Army in combating the Takfiri terrorism.

In a press statement, delegation member Sawsan al-Abdullah affirmed the importance of the delegation’s visit to confront the disinformation and propaganda campaign carried out by western media outlets.

Following their visit the delegation’s members headed to the Blood Bank at al-Mazzeh to donate blood as an expression of their supporting for the Syrian Arab Army.

Manar al-Freih / Hazem Sabbagh

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