Al-Jaafari.. Syria has made the nuclear non-proliferation one of its national priorities

New York, SANA- Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari stressed that Syria has made the issue of the nuclear non-proliferation one of the bases of its national priorities in word and deed, referring to Israel’s noncooperation with the requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency “IAEA” and its continued development of its nuclear weapons in a way that threatens the security and stability of the nations and states in the Middle East.

Al-Jaafari, in a statement during the a session of the UN General Assembly on the Agenda item 87, Report of IAEA Tuesday, added that there is an international consensus that the only real nuclear danger in the Middle East lies in the fact that Israel possesses dangerous nuclear weapons, yet some insist on ignoring this reality and they open new fronts to divert the attention from the danger of the Israeli nuclear reality.

He indicated that such non-objective and dishonest approach exposes the falseness of their allegations that they are keen on establishing a zone free of nuclear and mass destruction weapons “WMD” in the Middle East, reiterating that they themselves were the ones who have been supplying Israel with nuclear materials and technology which allowed it to possess nuclear weapons including the advanced nuclear-powered submarines.

He added that those (countries) exerted all possible efforts to divert the attention from the Israeli nuclear weapons during the conferences of Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty “NPT” Review Conferences in the years 2010 and 2015 in New York and they worked on thwarting the conference of 2012 at the expense of the security and safety of the region’s nations which prove that they adopt the policy of double standards.

Commenting on what has been referred to by the IAEA Director-General in his statement that the IAEA has recently found that “It is very likely that a building destroyed at Deir Ezzor site was a nuclear reactor which the Agency should have been informed about,” al-Jaafari said that Syria has made the issue of the nuclear non-proliferation one of the bases of its national priorities, and that its national adherence to this issue is unquestionable.

Al-Jaafari indicated that the UN Security Council and the IAEA didn’t condemn the Israeli military outrageous aggression against Syria or its rejection to cooperate with the IAEA or to allow its inspectors to investigate the source of the pollution which could be resulted from the Israeli rockets and the materials which Israel used to destroy and pollute the site.

He derided the statement of the IAEA Director-General who used indecisive terms which have no significance such as “It is very likely.”

Syria’s Representative affirmed that the commitment to the IAEA Statute by its member states entailed that the US should have informed the IAEA about what it had of information before and not after eight months of its destruction, adding that Israel didn’t inform the IAEA about what it had of information, “If they were true” , but it launched a military attack against the sovereignty of the Syrian territories sneaking from the Turkish airspace, and the IAEA didn’t respond or take any measures regarding Israel’s intervention of its international obligations.

He added that the conclusions reached by the IAEA Director-General regarding the site in Deir Ezzor are based on photos and analyses provided by the US Central Intelligence Agency “CIA” which raises doubts about their credibility as the US adopts a political agenda that is against Syria’s interests, citing the catastrophic and misleading file which led to the invasion of Iraq and to destroying its infrastructure and spreading terrorism in it.

He clarified that the latest report of the IAEA Director-General is based on indecisive conclusions and on information that lack the credibility and the comprehensiveness and his assessments contradict with those of his predecessor El-Baradei which raises questions about this issue.

al-Jaafari affirmed that continuing to confuse between the legal commitments of the IAEA members states according to the Safeguards Agreement and the voluntary measures of joining the Additional Protocol is not based on any law and it constitutes another means of political pressure on Syria.

He wondered what the countries, which provided a cover for the Israeli nuclear weapons, as well as the IAEA Director-General and the IAEA itself, have done to implement the UN Security Council’s resolution no. 487 for the year 1981 which was adopted from more than thirty years ago.

Al-Jaafari concluded by calling upon the IAEA Director-General to read the important reference about the armament, disarmament and the international security which is issued by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) that talks in an entire chapter about what it called “The Israeli Nuclear Forces” to be able to realize the danger of the Israeli nuclear weapons and their threat to the security, life and safety of the region’s nations and to deal with this issue in a more decisive way in implementation of the relevant resolutions of the IAEA, the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council.

R.J/ Barry

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