Churkin: Russia will continue efforts to push forward the inter-Syrian dialogue

New York, SANA – Russia is determined to go on with its efforts to push forward the inter-Syrian dialogue, Russia’s UN Permanent Representative Vitaly Churkin said on Tuesday.

It is almost impossible to come closer to implementing the Geneva agreement without holding direct communications between the Syrian government and a “rational opposition”, Churkin added, addressing the UN Security Council session on “The Situation in the Middle East”.

“We, for our part, will continue to boost the inter-Syrian dialogue,” he said, referring to a Russian endeavor to create the conditions for having a dialogue held among the Syrian sides.

Two rounds of talks between representatives of the Syrian government and figures of the opposition were held last January and earlier this month within the framework of this endeavor.

Talks in the latest round were largely seen as a breakthrough, with both sides having made it through to a unified paper, based on Geneva Communiqué of 2012, which provided an assessment of the dangers posed by terrorism and unifying the ranks of the Syrians in fighting it, as well as supporting the Syrian army and preserving the state’s institutions.

The Russian Ambassador hoped that the mechanisms reached in Moscow will be boosted further through the efforts of the UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura.

Moscow efforts were highly appreciated by the UN General Secretariat, with the UN Secretary-General Spokesperson Stephane Dujarric welcoming “all of” Moscow’s steps regarding the political settlement in Syria.

H. Zain/ H. Said

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