Divine mass  at the Mariamie Cathedral in Damascus on Easter

 Damascus, SANA-A divine mass was held on the occasion of Easter Monday , at the Mary Cathedral in Damascus.

John X, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East for the Greek Orthodox, who led the mass, stressed the noble  meanings of the glorious Easter holiday and said, “We pray for Syria and its territorial integrity and stability, for this country that has endured  the burden of wars on its land in defense of its sovereignty and dignity, and for this people who bear all the impacts of the war, including terrorism, displacement and blockade.

The Patriarch added  “We pray for Palestine, which embraced Christ and was sanctified by the path of the nation since two thousand years, for Jerusalem, and for the peace of the whole world. 

At the conclusion of his speech, Patriarch John X prayed to God to protect Syria, its people, its army and its leader, and to have mercy on its martyrs.

Fedaa al- Rhayiah/Mazen Eyon

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