Temperatures around average, showers expected

Damascus, SANA- Temperatures tend to drop slightly to become around average or slightly below as the country is affected by a superficial low air pressure from the southeast accompanied by western air currents in the upper layers of the atmosphere.

Meteorology Department expected in its Friday bulletin that the weather will be clear and cloudy in general, and it will be cloudy over the coastal and northwestern regions and in parts of the central region as there will be an opportunity for thundershowers over those areas, while the weather will be cold at night over the mountains with a relatively high humidity during the early morning hours.

The wind will be western to southwestern with a low to moderate speed, while the sea waves will be low in amplitude.

The expected temperatures in some main Syrian cities will be as follows: Damascus 31/16, Homs 30/18, Hasaka 39/21, Lattakia 29/21, Aleppo 32/19 and Deir Ezzor 37/222.

Nisreen Othman/Ruaa al-Jazaeri

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