Sousan to Cuban delegation: US reckless policies serious threat to int’l peace

Damascus, SANA_ Assistant Foreign and Expatriates Minister Ayman Sousan said that the US administration’s reckless policies in creating political, economic and military conflicts and fueling tensions in the world pose a serious threat to international peace and security.

That came during a meeting on Sunday with member of the General Secretariat of Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba Jorge Ramos and the accompanying delegation.

Sousan gave a presentation on the developments in Syria, pointing out that the blatant foreign interference and the illegal presence of foreign forces is the main reason for the continuation of the current crisis.

He said that Syria is dealing with the crisis on two parallel tracks, combating terrorism, ending the illegal presence of foreign forces and the political process based on respect for Syria’s sovereignty, unity, land and people, and the independence of the national decision.

Sousan emphasized that future of Syria will be exclusively decided by the Syrians and no one has the right to interfere in it.

He highly appreciated  Cuba’s support for Syria, renewing Syria’s rejection of the unjust US embargo against Cuba.

For his part, Ramos and members of the delegation expressed their pride in the field achievements made by the Syrian Arab army against terrorism and the steadfastness of the Syrian people and their leadership in the face of the conspiracy targeting Syria.

He reiterated Cuba’s stand by Syria and the importance of solidarity of the freedom-loving powers in the world in facing the US hegemony and arrogance.

Ramos stressed his country’s readiness to promote cooperation relations between the two countries in various fields.



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