Residents of Damascus breathe great sigh of relief after Douma evacuation deal-Video

Damascus, SANA – Residents of Damascus city are finally breathing a sigh of relief after years of pain, suffering and the loss of loved ones due to the mortar and rocket shells fired by terrorist groups located in the Eastern Ghouta targeting innocent civilians and safe neighborhoods in the capital.

No more casualties, fears or tears as the Syrian Arab army continues  to establish control over areas held by armed terrorist groups in the Eastern Ghouta following the agreement reached yesterday which provided for releasing abductees in Douma in exchange for the exit of terrorists of the so-called Jaish al-Islam to Jarablos.

SANA interviewed a number of al-Midan neighborhood inhabitants who expressed pride in the achievements made by the Syrian army and the painful blows on “Jaish al-Islam” terrorists’ positions and hotbeds in Douma forcing them to succumb.

“We have been waiting for this moment so long. The moment of declaring victory in Douma and liberation of all abductees after years of suffering and steadfastness,” said one of the citizens, expressing hope that Syria would finally triumph over terrorism.

Other residents stressed that all terrorists’ attempts to spread chaos and fear are foiled thanks to the sacrifices of the Syrian army and the people’s faith in achieving victory.

R. Raslan / Ghossoun


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