Lattakia, SANA- 45 artists participated in the annual exhibition of Syrian plastic art, hosted by the Exhibition hall of al-Assad House of Culture in Lattakia province. The exhibition, was held …
December, 2023
16 December
Hand-blown glass… a Syrian cultural element threatened with extinction…The National Museum of Damascus is one of the richest museums in the world in glass artifacts
Damascus, SANA-The craft of “traditional glass” has reserved a place for itself among the authentic Syrian crafts. This industry dates back to the Canaanites of the Syrian coast, the “Phoenicians,” …
14 December
Activities of “innovators 2” handcrafts exhibition kicks off in Aleppo
Aleppo, SANA- Activities of the Exhibition “innovators 2” for Handicrafts, organized by the United Nations Development Programme, was launched at the Shahba Hotel in Aleppo province with participation of 60 …
8 December
“Peace for the Land of Peace” an exhibition in Damascus in support of the Palestinian issue
Damascus, SANA- An art exhibition entitled Peace for the Land of Peace was opened on Thursday evening in a gallery at the Syrian capital, Damascus in support of the Palestinian …
6 December
Traditional Syrian Glassblowing Inscribed on UNESCO List of Intangible Heritage
Paris, SANA- The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) announced on Tuesday the inscription of the Syrian traditional glassblowing on the List of Intangible Heritage in Need of …
1 December
Diverse books and lectures about Syria at Brazilian Book Fair
Brasilia, SANA- With the participation of Syria, the Brazilian Book Fair continued its 37th session in the capital, Brasilia, under the title “The Role of Women in Building Their Society.” …
November, 2023
19 November
Entertainment event in Damascus marking the International Children’s Day
Damascus, SANA- On the occasion of International Children’s Day and the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the Institute of Social Education for Girls, in cooperation with …
19 November
With Syria’s participation, Petersburg International Cultural Forum wraps up its work
Damascus, SANA-The 9th St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum (UNFCCC) concluded its activities with the participation of Syria and forty Arab and foreign countries. In a speech at the plenary session …
October, 2023
18 October
Little white shoe
Damascus,SANA My name was Haya. I am not in difference with the rest of the children in the world except that I am from Gaza. That little white shoe was …
9 October
Dr. al-Sayed awarded King Salman Global Academy Prize for Arabic Language
Damascus, SANA- President of the Arabic Language Academy in Damascus Dr. Mahmoud Ahmed Al-Sayed, was awarded King Salman Global Academy Prize for Arabic Language in appreciation of his dedication in …