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Tourism & Society

July, 2020

  • 28 July

    Southern Region Chamber of Tourism: Procedures to activate internal tourism

    Sweida, SANA- Southern Region Chamber of Tourism has taken a package of procedures and steps to activate the internal and the low-cost tourism. head of the Southern Region Chamber of …

  • 27 July

    Antiques and hand-made artifacts reflect the beauty of the heritage in Homs

            Bushra Dabin / Mazen Eyon

  • 23 July

    Exempting tourism facilities affected by terrorism from building permit fees

    Damascus, SANA-  The Higher Council for Tourism issued a decision providing for exempting tourism projects affected by terrorist attacks from building permit fees, including fees added to them. In a …

  • 20 July

    Saint Mar Elias Cathedral in Aleppo reopened after acts of rehabilitation

    Aleppo, SANA-Aleppo celebrated on Monday the reopening of Saint Mar Elias Cathedral, which was affected by acts of terrorism, after it has been rehabilitated within the project of renovating Old …

  • 20 July

    By photos, researcher documents more than 100 archeological sites in Sweida

    Sweida, SANA – Shedding light on the civilized and historical heritage of Sweida province is a goal to which the researcher, Kamal Shofani, seeks as he has documented for 15 …

  • 13 July

    Al-Dawayat Cave in Tartous, a unique natural scene

    Tartous ,SANA-  Al-Dawayat Cave is located in Tartous province ,1700 m away from the north-east of Mashta al-Helo and extends over 250 m underground. Its name has come from openings …

  • 11 July

    Moultaqa al- Nahrayin … A tourist destination in Tartous countryside

    Tartous , SANA – Moultaqa al-Nahrayin is a unique destination which is  located 4km of Mashta Al Hilu and about 18 km of Safita in Tartous province. It is a …

  • 6 July

    The Temple complex in the ancient “si’e” site of Sweida

    Sweida, SANA- The Temple is Located east of Sweida, 8 km from the city of Sweida, the ancient site of the city was an important center of worship and pilgrimage. …

  • 6 July

    Cave of Beit al-Wadi is a history embraced by charming nature

    Tartous, SANA – The cave of Beit al- Wadi is located in Dwair Reslan town in Tartous,18 km north-east of Draykish . It is a natural artistic masterpiece underground, situated …

June, 2020

  • 29 June

    Deir Shamil: A unique tourist destination which is distinguished by its 365 springs

    Hama, SANA- Deir Shamil is a charming and unique village which has 365 springs as the number of days of the year. These springs flow from the village’s fertile hillocks, …