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Syria and the World

December, 2014

  • 28 December

    A Turkish terrorist killed in Syria

    Ankara, SANA- A Turkish terrorist from Sakarya Province was killed while fighting alongside with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria “ISIS” terrorist organization in Syria, a Turkish source said …

  • 28 December

    The West should have lessons learned from the crisis in Syria

    Baku, SANA, The western governments have finally noticed the danger of the terrorist organization of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria “ISIS” and its threats to the regional and international …

  • 27 December

    Russian Foreign Ministry calls for more efforts to confront ISIS and Jabhet al-Nusra

    Moscow, SANA – The Russian Foreign Ministry asserted the need to exert more efforts to confront ISIS and Jabhet al-Nusra and other terrorist and extremist organizations in a manner based …

  • 27 December

    Syria ready to participate in Moscow’s consultative meeting to agree on dialogue, Foreign Ministry says

    Damascus, SANA – Foreign and Expatriates Ministry stressed Syria’s readiness to participate in Moscow’s consultative meeting in its keenness to meet the Syrians’ aspirations of finding a way out of …

  • 27 December

    Archeological door returns to church of Mar Serkis and Bacchus convent in Ma’aloula- Video

    Damascus Countryside, SANA- An archeological wooden door dating back to 1700 years ago was restored to the church of Mar Serkis and Bacchus convent in Ma’aloula city in Damascus countryside …

  • 26 December

    Bogdanov discusses with Syrian ambassador issues of political solution in Syria

    Moscow, SANA – Russian President’s Special Representative for the Middle East and North Africa, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov discussed Friday with Syrian Ambassador in Moscow Riyad Haddad issues of …

  • 26 December

    Turkish HDP Party leader: Turkish government’s position helped in ISIS growth

    Moscow, SANA – Selahattin Demirtas, leader of the Peoples Democratic Party (HDP), member of Turkish parliament, said the Party stands firmly against external interference in Syria’s domestic affairs. In an …

  • 25 December

    Pope pays tribute to those driven from their homes by ISIS in private phone call

    Vatican, SANA – Pope Francis called refugees in Iraq saying they too were like Jesus as they had also been forced to flee their homes. In the phone call Wednesday, the …

  • 25 December

    Lavrov stresses need to curb ISIS spread over vast swathes of Iraq and Syria

    Moscow, SANA – Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stressed the need to curb the spread of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist organization and its control of …

  • 24 December

    Jordan confirms warplane crash in Raqqa, ISIS capture of the pilot

    Amman, SANA – An official source at the General Command of the Jordanian Armed Forces confirmed on Wednesday that one of its warplanes crashed near Raqqa city in northeastern Syria. …