الرئيسية / eng (صفحه 3)


De Mistura stresses importance of joint action to tackle crisis in Syria

Cairo, SANA – UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura stressed the need to commit to joint action in tackling the crisis in Syria and combating terrorism, saying that …

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Army directs severe blows to terrorists in several areas

Provinces, SANA_ Army units targeted Friday a number of terrorists, inflicting heavy losses upon them  in several areas. Army units pressed ahead with operations against terrorists in Damascus countryside and …

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Al-Moallem: Syria prepared to cooperate and coordinate to combat terrorism as per resolution no. 2170

Damascus, SANA – Caretaker Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem, said that Syria is prepared to cooperate and coordinate on the regional and international levels to combat …

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497 food baskets distributed in al-Yarmouk camp

Damascus, SANA-Sponsored by the Syrian government and supervised by the Higher Relief Committee, the Arab Palestinian Refugees General Commission and the The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine …

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Mikdad: Israel is a mass destruction weapon designed by Western countries to implement so-called “democracy”

Beirut, SANA – Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Fayssal Mikdad stressed that the Zionist entity is a mass destruction weapon designed by the West to implement the so-called “democracy in …

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Terrorists of non-Syrian nationalities killed in counter-terrorism military operations

Provinces, SANA_ The Army carried out Saturday a number of successful operations against armed terrorist groups in different Syrians cities and towns, killing several terrorists, some of them of foreign …

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Army pushes forward with operations against terrorism

Provinces, SANA – Army is pushing forward with operations against terrorist organizations in various areas across the country, targeting their gatherings and thwarting their infiltration attempts with the result of …

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Patriarch Yazigi calls upon international community to stop exporting terrorism

Tartous, SANA – Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All East John X Yazigi called upon the international community to stop exporting terrorism, barbarism and takfirism, distorting facts, and making …

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Egocentric U.S. interests govern American policies, even in dealing with terrorism

  Damascus, SANA  U.S. interference is always cloaked by the same pretexts; humanitarian intervention or protecting endangered religious or national minorities, while the real  reason has never been less obvious, …

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Al-Nadara valley, a magnificent site narrating Syria’s deep-rooted history

Homs, SANA – Syria has always been famous for its marvelous geographical and archaeological sites which spread across the country telling wonderful stories from its deep-rooted history. One such site …

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