Aug 20th, Egyptian Poet and Politician Mohammad Hussein Haikal born

Damascus, SANA- Today in History, Aug 20th:

1914- Germany occupies Brussels during the World War I.

1960-Senegal independence declared.

1973- 71 thousand people killed in floods in India and Pakistan.

1977- Voyager 2 space probe launched by NASA to study the outer Solar System.

2009- Jamaican runner Usain Bolt shows off his new 200m world record at 2009 World Athletics Championship.

Born Today:

1888- Egyptian Poet and Politician Mohammad Hussein Haikal.

1901- Italian author and poet Salvatore Quasimodo.

Passed Away:

1915- German Physician and Scientist Paul Ehrlich.

1961- American Physicist Percy Williams Bridgman.


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