July 14th, the French Revolution begins with the fall of Bastille

1789-Bastille Day-French Revolution begins with the fall of Bastille.

1937- Signing the Frontier Treaty between Iraq and Iran.

1942- The Indian National Congress passes a resolution demanding complete independence from Britain and massive civil disobedience.

1958- A coup in Iraq overthrows the monarchy.

1964- All banks and insurance companies in Iraq nationalized.

1978- Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky was convicted of treasonous espionage and anti-Soviet agitation.

Born Today:

1454- Italian poet Angelo Poliziano.

1862- Austrian painter Gustav Klimt.

1913- The 38th President of the United States Gerald Ford.

Passed Away:

1223- King Philip II of France.

1944- Syrian elite singer Asmahan.

1958- King Faisal II of Iraq.


Republic Day in Iraq

R.J/ Barry

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