Peskov: Moscow should adequately respond to West’s restrictions on Russian media

Moscow, SANA- Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Russia should adequately respond to illegal restrictions imposed on its media by the West.

“Westerners use illegal methods to destroy the work of our media abroad, they prevent the spread of information, and they create obstacles for the work of Russian journalists there”, TASS quoted Peskov as saying on Friday commenting on the sanctions imposed by the United States on Russian media.

“Of course, in conditions of acute confrontation, this requires reciprocity, therefore, we must respond appropriately and will impose restrictive restrictions on them, especially on the American media” , Peskov added.

United States imposed sanctions on Rossiya Segodnya media group, Novosti news agency, RT website, Sputnik, and Ruptly, the sanctions also included the editor-in-chief of the Rossiya Segodnya group, Margarita Simonyan, and a number of senior managers of this TV channel.

Fedaa al-Rahai

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