“Live Syria 2015” campaign…an attempt to help and encourage taking the initiative

Damascus, SANA – There was a wife of a man killed by terrorists, who, having felt increasingly stifled by her current poor living conditions after losing her family’s main breadwinner, pushed herself to get down to business and started a project on her own.

Shortly after starting work on a sewing machine she borrowed, the woman managed to expand her project coming to accommodate a group of other martyrs’ needy women relatives.

“That was our inspiration,” said member of the management of a national assistance campaign that started early this year covering all the Syrian provinces, referring to a report published by Syrian media.

No sooner had the initiators started their work within a neighborhood’s limits than the then small-scale initiative-later a nationwide campaign- began to draw supporters.

Starting with three people, the campaign’s member told SANA, they soon grew larger in number with the new volunteers expressing readiness to join hands to make the idea a reality.

Since it became widely know last month, the campaign, which was called “Live Syria 2015”, began to have itself getting articulated more clearly with the joining of various public and private establishments and bodies.

Aided by people specialized in media promotion who extended a helping hand, on billboards and in posters, photos promoting the campaign filled the street of the Syrian cities, while other promotional stuff went viral on the campaign’s Facebook page.

Communication between the campaign’s leaders and new members was made by the former sometimes and by the latter in others until many different parties, covering a variety of services, have swelled the campaign’s ranks.

Special offers were made by the members for all citizens to benefit from them, providing services that cover food supplies sales, restaurants, media, hospitalization, technology, furniture, industries, trade, education, hotels libraries, legal counseling, sports clubs among other fields.

The offers were all provided at cheaper prices and in many cases free of charge, with the campaign’s leadership keeping a watchful eye to ensure the credibility of the offers announced and the integrity of implementation.

For many people all across the provinces, the campaign seems quite helpful as it allows them access to an array of services they otherwise could not have afforded.

For others, however, it is an encouraging means of assistance, but one that requires much more work, giving and generosity to be up to the aspirations of the people, especially under the terrorism crisis in the country that has taken a severe toll on the livelihood of most Syrians who lost jobs, houses, work places, and most painfully family members.

“We don’t pretend to be presenting solutions to people’s problems,” the campaign leadership’s member told SANA.

“We, more or less, attempt to offer help and promote a way of thinking that encourages one to take action and not give up under the circumstances,” the member added.

Haifa Said

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