Mikdad: Terrorism can’t be combated in Iraq while it is supported in Syria

Damascus, SANA- Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Fayssal Mikdad said leaders of Europe and the US have to understand that terrorism can’t be combated in Iraq while it is supported in Syria, adding that the terrorist organizations can’t be confronted when they are funded by billions of dollars,  sponsored by Saudi Arabia, France, Britain and the US.

“Syria which they have tried to distort, destroyed its infrastructure and killed its children, come out victorious from a conflict which was sponsored by Israel  and its supporters of Saudi Arabians and Europeans” Mikdad said in an article published by Lebanese al-Binaa newspaper on Saturday.

He affirmed that the Syrians’ war against terrorism, achieving new local reconciliations and the citizens’ response to the initiatives of restoring security to the Homeland are positive indicators for a new hope where the sun of freedom would shine.

“The Syrians possess an immortal  treasure of morals, history, civilization and faith in the inevitability of victory on terrorism, aggression and intervention in our internal affairs, sovereignty and independence,” Mikdad said.

He added that what Europe lack now is the sense of investigation about the EU policies as they are responsible for what has happened in Paris, other EU capitals, and in Syria, Iraq and Libya as diplomats affirm that the “old continent”  lacks for  genuine leaders who would reflect the role of their countries in a smart, constructive and reasonable manner.

Mazen Eyon/ Barry



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