Aleppo Governor, WFP and UNRWA representative discuss relief efforts

Aleppo, SANA  Aleppo Governor Mohammad Marwan Olabi met with director of supplies at the  World Food Program (WFP) in Syria Jose Ferraro and United Nations Relief and Works Agency  for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Director Michael Kingsley-Nyinah.

During his meeting with Ferraro, Olabi underlined the important role played by international  humanitarian organization in helping civilians affected by terrorism and delivering aid to them, affirming commitment to providing all possible forms of support for these agencies to ensure that aid reaches those who need it.

For his part, Ferraro stressed the WFP’s commitment to ensuring that aid is delivered at the right  time, thanking the Syrian government and Aleppo Governor for the support they provide in terms of  delivering aid.

He also said that the WFP seeks to establish a warehouse and production center in Aleppo for  storing, preparing, and packaging food items to be distributed among the needy.

In the Governor’s meeting with Kingsley-Nyinah and the accompanying delegation, the two sides  discussed the efforts being made to help Palestinians living in Aleppo, with Olabi asserting  commitment to providing housing and for Palestinian families affected by terrorism and securing  their needs, underlining the Governorate’s efforts to improve services in Nairab Camp to which  electricity has been restored following two years of outage due to terrorist attacks.

In turn, Kingsley-Nyinah lauded the support provided by Syria to Palestinians, saying that this  support merits commendation and appreciation.

Hazem Sabbagh




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