Syrian students participate in World Schools Debating Championships

Damascus, SANA – Syria participated in the World Schools Debating Championships (WSDC) which was launched on Sunday in Mexico for the students of secondary stage, and it will continue until July 24th with the participation more than 65 countries.

The Distinction and Creativity Agency said in a statement to SANA that the Syrian team which participated remotely in the championship consisted of five members: Ibrahim al-Qasir, Karla Armoush, Naya Keyali, Yasmin Hatem, and Alma Midani.

The Agency pointed out that the debates will be in English as the first round included 6 hour-long matches, and the team should win four matches at least to ensure qualification for the second round and reach to the final debate.

The debates are based on the principle of competition between the two teams in each debate, with one team arguing for the topic through debate and the other arguing against it regardless of the personal opinions of the competitors.

Each debate consists of three speeches about a controversial sentence focusing on a particular issue, and every speaker speaks for 4 minutes, then each team provides a retort for 3 minutes before the final speech by the team that supports the subject of the debate.

Hybah Sleman / Hazem Sabbagh


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