Army uncovers fortified terrorist hideout and tunnel in Aleppo countryside

Aleppo, SANA – While canvassing liberated areas in Aleppo’s western countryside, Syrian Arab Army units uncovered a fortified hideout for terrorists dug beneath a mountain near the town of Anjara, in addition to a tunnel in al-Layramoun area.

SANA’s camera documented the terrorist hideout near Anjara, with SANA’s reporter saying the fortified hideout contained large areas for vehicles, living quarters, and training facilities, in addition to crates containing ammo, grenades, and assorted shells, including mortar rounds, anti-armor and anti-air rockets, in addition to rocket tripod mounts.

In al-Layramoun area, SANA’s reporter said army units found a tunnel dug into the bedrock beneath a building under construction, extending 400 meters eastwards towards al-Khalidiye neighborhood.

A police officer told the reporter that the terrorists couldn’t finish the tunnels, as the army defeated them and forced them to retreat before its completion, adding that the building above the tunnel contained ammo and other items left behind by terrorists.

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