Idleb Governor: Infiltrating terrorists were repelled thanks to army’s sacrifices

Idleb, SANA – Idleb Governor Kheir-Eddin al-Sayyed on Tuesday hailed the “bravery” and sacrifices of the Syrian Army and the “steadfastness” of Idleb locals through which terrorists who attempted to infiltrate the city were successfully repelled and defeated.

Units of the armed forces in cooperation with the popular defense forces foiled on Monday an attempt by members of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization to infiltrate the northern city of Idleb from several directions. Soon, normal life prevailed in the city once again.

The Governor’s remarks came during a visit he paid to injured members of the army and national defense groups at Idleb National Hospital, accompanied by the secretary of Idleb branch of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party

The injured army members, for their part, expressed determination and will to re-embark on their national duty of defending Syria once they recover until the country regains stability and security.

Rasha Milhem/Haifa Said

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