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Culture & Arts

April, 2024

  • 23 April

    Syrian-Iranian talks to boost cultural relations

    Damascus, SANA- Syria and Iran discussed means of bolstering the cultural cooperation between the two friendly countries. That came during a meeting between Culture Minister, Lubanah Mshaweh and Iranian Ambassador …

  • 11 April

    A play dubbed “our folklore” reflects diversity of Syrian heritage at al-Hamra Theatre, Damascus

    Damascus,SANA- Directorate of theaters and music, in cooperation with the Ajyal troupe, held a performance titled our folklore (folklorna) in the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, at al-Hamra Theatre, in Damascus. …

  • 6 April

    Syrian youth enters Guinness World Records for playing on Oud

    Damascus, SANA- Syrian oud player Hossam Deeb, has entered the Guinness World Records by playing his solo performance, for 27 hours and 4 minutes. Deep Told SANA that his experience, …

  • 1 April

    Call to prayer sounds again in Grand Umayyad Mosque, Old Aleppo City after 12 years  

    Aleppo, SANA- Maghrib Azan (call to prayer) has sounded again in the Grand Umayyad Mosque in Aleppo City, announcing the return of life to this religious and historical hub after …

March, 2024

  • 28 March

    Syrian musician wins third place at IV International Gloria Artis, Music competition in Vienna 2024

    Vienna, SANA- Syrian academic musician Hagop Knouzi won the third place in the fourth International Gloria Artis Music competition in Vienna 2024  for the professional piano solo category. Knouzi told …

  • 26 March

    A cooperation agreement inked to restore al-Zarb Market in Aleppo

    Aleppo, SANA- Syria Trust for Development and Aleppo Governorate along with the General Directorate of Antiquities and Museums, the Bank of Bemo Saudi Fransi (BBSF) and Aleppo City Council, signed …

  • 17 March

    An art exhibition for children in Qamishli

    Hasaka,SANA- “Baraem Al Salam” School in Qamishli held Sunday an art exhibition included paintings, handicrafts, and models. Chairman of the Karama Area Committee for Baath Vanguards, Abdul Halim Youssef al-Rammu …

  • 12 March

    Syria, Armenia discuss boosting cultural ties

    Damascus, SANA- The Minister of Culture, Lubana Mushawih, discussed in Damascus with the Advisor to the President of Armenia, Davit Babayan, and the director, Vardan Hovhannisyan, the cultural relations binding …

  • 8 March

    Art of glassblowing returns again in Aleppo countryside liberated from terrorism

    Aleppo, SANA- The town of Urem Al-Kubra in Aleppo province in northern Syria has historically been famous for its skilled glassblowing craftsmen. The war considerably affected this traditional craft inherited …

  • 8 March

    Colette Khoury, the Syrian novelist who pioneered Arab feminism

    Damascus, SANA- Syrian novelist and poet Colette Khoury shocked the Arab world with a novel in 1959 in which wrote openly on love; this breakthrough novel (The Days with Him) …