Home / Provinces News / Tartous (page 4)


June, 2021

  • 7 June

    With simple tools, a young man from Tartous makes Oud instrument with high specifications

    Tartous, SANA – Young man Hassan Zahra works hard in his small workshop in one of Sheikh Bader villages in Tartous province to develop his profession in making oud instrument …

  • 7 June

    Harvesting and preparing tobacco in Harisoun town in Baniyas area (photos)

    Tartous, SANA- Tobacco cultivation in Tartous province is of great importance where many families depend on it as the only source of livelihood, especially in the rural mountain in Qadmous …

  • 5 June

    Wheat harvest at al-Jbab village, Sheikh Badr region in Tartous countryside-photos

    Wheat harvest at al-Jbab village, Sheikh Badr region in Tartous countryside ( photos )

May, 2021

  • 26 May

    Locals in Sheikh Badr City in Tartous gather to cast their votes in presidential election

  • 26 May

    Wounded army personnel, citizens gather at polling stations in Tartous to cast their votes (Photos)

    Tartous, SANA- Wounded army personnel and crowds of citizens on Wednesday headed for the polling stations in Tartous province to cast their votes in 2021 presidential elections.    

  • 23 May

    A mass rally for students of Tartous University in Tartous in support of presidential elections

  • 9 May

    Tartous markets on Saturday evening-Photos

  • 1 May

    Tartous Museum … an important archeological findings dating back to different eras

    Tartous, SANA- Tartous Museum is one of the important archeological sites in the middle of the city containing archeological findings dating back to various eras. The museum includes an exhibition …

March, 2021

  • 25 March

    Al-Hamra Castle…A magnificent ancient monument in Tartous Countryside

    Tartous, SANA- About 12 kilometers southeast of Tartous, in the village of Yahmour, al-Hamra Castle is located, one of the ancient Syrian monuments which has a great civilization and cultural …

December, 2020

  • 8 December

    Despite his injury, odor of determination and resilience emits from perfumes composed by Hussein

    Tartous, SANA – The odor of determination and resilience emits from each perfume bottle composed by Hussein al-Kurdi who was wounded in a direct clash with terrorists in one of …