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26 new coronavirus cases, 21 recoveries recorded in Syria

Damascus, SANA- The Health Ministry announced on Tuesday that 26 new coronavirus cases, and 21 recoveries were recorded. A statement by the ministry showed that the total number of the …

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Russian MoD: Kyiv forces use educational institutions for military purposes

Moscow, SANA- The Russian Defense Ministry announced that the Ukrainian armed formations are using educational institutions in Odessa, Sumy and Kharkov for military purposes. “In Velikaya Balka in Odessa, Ukrainian …

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Syria condemns unprecedented escalation, policy of provocation practiced by France against Republic of Mali

Damascus, SANA- The Syrian Arab Republic has expressed its condemnation of the unprecedented escalation and policy of provocation practiced by France against the Republic of Mali. “The Syrian Arab Republic …

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Tartous on Monday 22/08/2022

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SANA participates in a cultural and tourism event in Shanxi Province, China

Beijing, SANA- The Chinese province of Shanxi has witnessed a cultural tourism event entitled ” Daka China “, which comes as part of the media plan to convey an image …

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Russian Special Military Operation to Protect Donbass- Latest Updates

Moscow: Ukrainian forces deploy artillery in inhabited residential buildings Deaths and injuries in Ukrainian shelling on Headquarter of Donetsk Republic Presidency US demands its citizens to leave Ukraine

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A Palestinian martyred by Israeli occupation fire in Nablus City  

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- A Palestinian youth was martyred due to serious wounds he sustained two weeks ago, when the Israeli occupation forces shot him in the city of Nablus. Palestinian …

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Iran renews call to compel Israel to destroy its nuclear weapons stockpile

New York, SANA- The US should adhere to its commitments towards nuclear disarmament and the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent representative to …

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Nasrallah: Syria is cornerstone of resistance axis and Hezbollah will remain part of this axis

Beirut, SANA- “Syria is the cornerstone of the resistance axis and our partner in refusing to surrender to Israeli conditions,” Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has affirmed. Sayyed Nasrallah’s …

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Al-Jaafari: European youth play important role in creating awareness of what Syria is facing

Damascus, SANA- Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari has affirmed that Syria’s victory over terrorism and the forces supporting it is a victory for the right and for …

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